Your small pet is unique, their home should be too. Add a pop of color, create a fun design or theme with options to fit every personality. Choose a color and find a retailer.
Only carefresh® is made from scratch with pillowy soft, ultra absorbent comfyfluff™ designed specifically for small pets. Provide your small pet with a soft, safe, clean, dry home derived from 100% reclaimed natural fiber. Perfect for hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, ferrets.
NEW Updated Habitat and Bedding Recommendations:
SPECIES | HABITAT SIZE | Bedding Amount | Bedding Size Low | Bedding Size High |
Gerbils, Hamsters, Mice | 650 sq. in. | 2"-5" | 23/30 L | 50/60L |
Rats | 6 cu. ft. | 2"-6" | 23/30 L | 50/60L |
Guinea Pigs | 10.5 sq. ft. | 3"-5" | 50/60L | 100/120L |
Chinchillas | 12 cu. ft. | *3"-4" | 23/30 L | 50/60L |
Rabbits | 8-12 sq. ft. | *3"-4" | 50/60L | 100/120L |
Apply 2-6" of bedding to your pet's home. Remove damp spots or soiled areas between changes and replace with fresh bedding.
Clean the cage completely once a week by scrubbing the bottom of the cage and soiled accessories with warm water and a gentle soap and replacing dirty litter and bedding.
Rinse and dry everything completely before returning it to the cage.
As with any changes to your pet's care, you should observe your pet closely for changes in behavior. Potential risk of impaction exists if you pet ingests a significant amount of any type of bedding. If you suspect impaction, discontinue use immediately and seek veterinary care.